From the Desk of Kethric Wilcox

Tracker Print Cover No author ever wants to read review after review of how wonderful their book would have been if it hadn’t been for all the typos, or grammatical errors, or bad formatting. My fans have been very kind in loving Tracker despite all of these rookie author mistakes. So I had Tracker edited by a revised second version to catch grammar and typos, and sadly I didn’t research questions to ask an editor before shelling out major money to get back a manuscript in worse shape than before. Several people commented that it was easy to tell I was a new author and hoped I’d get mentored by someone with more experience. I was lucky to start getting advice from Elizabeth Llewellyn, author of the Suicide Ride series, and support from her fan base “The Riders.”

Witch Cover V2 I went to work on Witch the sequel to Tracker, taking my hard-earned lessons with me. I asked for Beta Readers, I read articles on things to ask an editor before turning over your manuscript. I submitted a test chapter to a couple different editors to see if they would do a free sample edit. I wanted to gauge if we could work together or if our styles were to far apart. One wouldn’t do a sample edit, another didn’t really give it much effort, but the third editor not only edited for bad grammar she offered suggestions for content and asked questions about what she was editing. Can you guess which one I chose? Yes, i went with the editor behind door number three. So what was my prize, Johnny? Well, Kethric Wilcox, you’ve won a beautiful book, filled with flowing story lines and multidimensional characters. Well, the sophomore book is a hit, not a Number One Bestseller but it did spend some time in the top 50 getting as high a #25 in LGBT Fantasy. So those lessons from the school of spilled ink paid off. With encouragement from my little support group, I submitted my first book to this magical editor and let her work her wonders. This week, I’ve been hard at work making changes to Tracker, to give more back story on how magic in the world works, give my characters more emotions, stretch out the falling in love between the main characters, because insta-love is for the fairy tales of our youth, not the hard-core lives we have as adults. I was happy with Tracker when I started writing it as a creative challenge to myself over a year ago. Now, Tracker will be as magical a story on paper or tablet as it has been in my head. I sent my editor, my revisions to Tracker today, so that she can go through and proofread to clean up my crazy grammar, comma abuse, weird capitalization’s, mixed use of British and American spellings (grey vs gray – I grew up in New England in an area that preferred the British spelling on many words), all bad habits of someone who was an indifferent student at best in subjects he didn’t like.

Hunter Cover So now I’m working on book three, Hunter to close out my version of Beauty and the Beast, with a major dash of Romeo and Juliet, while trying not to force the story to flow. I’m not one of those authors who creates massive outlines and structure before ever sitting down to get to know their characters. I fully admit to being a pantser. I love to get to know my characters and let them speak to me and through me. Kieran and Cory have been telling me their story for almost two years now and I’ll miss them when the story is done. But other characters are talking to me about their stories and I can’t wait to introduce you to more of my world.

The Curse cover copy Among those characters speaking to me are the vampires of the world led by their reluctant leader, Richard St. Martin. My fans know him as a hunter of shifters, the owner of an antique store, and an ally of Kieran Belle. They’ve been given a brief glimpse of Richard the vampire. Hang on to your scarves there’s more to come. Before I release Richard’s two part story, I will be offering a shorter work featuring Cain, the very first vampire. This story is a change for me, it will be in first person POV. So keep following me and watch for news on The Curse: Origin of the the Vampires coming in 2016.

Author: Kethric Wilcox, Author

Kethric Wilcox is the author of the Legend of the Silver Hunter series, a M/M paranormal retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Based in Little Rock, Arkansas, Wilcox works as a graphic artist during the day and writes about hunters and humans in the evenings. When he's not writing or designing he can be found running around town with his partner of eight years doing something geeky in nature. Wilcox holds a BA in Graphic Design and one in History. His preferred era of historical research is the crusades and the late middle ages. He and his partner can sometimes be found camping in one of Arkansas's beautiful state parks. Wilcox is originally from Boston, MA, and grew up in a typical middle-class family. He wrote his first story in high school English and once submitted a script for a play to a contest around that time as well. He's written skits for his church over the last couple of years and was planning on working with his church drama partner to write a movie script for independent production, but those plans were put on hold due to illness in his writing partner's family. In 2014, Wilcox challenged himself to undertake a creative writing challenge to replace the script idea, and Tracker, book one of the Silver Hunter series, was born. Book two, Witch, followed in 2015, and Wilcox released Hunter, book three of the series, in January 2016. He published The Curse, the first of the vampire trilogy, in 2018. Future writing plans include a second series featuring Kieran and Cory's impact on their friends and families. Current projects include the first book of The Tales of Richard St. Martin - Lord Hunter, and Book Two in the Origin series - The Blade